
Lions Creative

15 brands that use Instagram effectively

If you are looking for traffic and visibility for your visually-oriented brand, Instagram is the number 1 choice!

In this article, we will explain with examples how to use the Instagram algorithm in 2021 to increase visibility and grow your followers.

Why is Instagram important?

Instagram has established itself as one of the largest social networks; the application having moreof 800 million users Active daily users (as of 09/17). Although it may not be the perfect platform for every business, according to our statistics, engagement on Instagram is 80 times higher than Twitter and 20 times higher than Facebook.

Instagram is an excellent platform for giving prospects a glimpse into your company culture and brand. Like any other content, Instagram content must be effective. To achieve this, it should be relevant, original, interactive, and consistent with your brand image.

Furthermore, this social network is well positioned to be used for local marketing. IfYou have a restaurant or a bar, Instagram will surely make it thrive. How? Open an account, adopt the right strategies, a little more people will flock to your doors, even during your slow hours.

Instagram also offers several features to keep your content attractive: stories, live videos, and bulk uploading. Some of the options it presents also focus on specific events (such as the launch of a new product, among others).

In short, communicate more easily with your customers with Instagram!

15 examples of brands that know how to use Instagram correctly

Compelling images on Instagram are a source of more traffic. By posting such visuals, you will automatically attract the attention of your followers, and in turn, other internet users. They will automatically see your bio, where they can then click on the link to your website.

As a result, they will immediately take action, which is to visit your website. In fact, a study shows that..Locowise proves these facts. It has indeed been revealed that 75% of Instagram users take some action after seeing an Instagram advertising message.

First, we show you examples, then we move on to the theory and the algorithm :)

Starbucks always creates new drinks and uses Instagram to launch and showcase them. In addition to their new products, their photographs have a big influence on customers. It is also a way for them to create connections with their followers: there is indeed an exchange, which will obviously bring consumers closer to the brand itself.

How not to mention McDonald's? With their 3 million followers, they have a significant audience. Instagram allows them to highlight their products: Cheeseburger, fries, chicken nuggets... Note that this is done with humor, good spirits, and joy of living. Enough to make you want to jump in the car and then head to the Mc Drive!

The direct and very aggressive competitor of McDonald's is none other than Burger King, and they are not far behind. Their team has a colossal marketing budget, which allows them to fill their Instagram account with photos featuring top influencers, Hollywood-style promotional videos, and hilarious scenarios. Imagine all of this accompanied by burgers and other products that will make your mouth water!

Gatorade, well-known by all, provides a unique drink for amateur and professional athletes. They also use Instagram to display stunning images conveying the message that athletes are dedicated to what they do! Their achievements are also showcased. For them, their posts all contain the hashtag #winfromwithin. And it's an excellent way to connect with athletes from around the world.

Nutella has found the secret recipe to liven up their Instagram account. The brand regularly shares small dishes (cake, cookie, cake, crepe...) prepared with this delicious chocolate. But what's more? Many of them are created by other internet users.

No need to introduce Nike anymore; everyone knows it! But contrary to what you might think (if you've never visited their Instagram account), you won't find photos of sneakers there. Instead, Nike focuses on athletic achievements and moments of inspiration; their goal being to inspire amateur and professional athletes. Like all brands, they have also managed to connect with their audience, generate engagement, and showcase their viewpoints.

What could be better than beautiful photographs of delicious pastries? With Panera Bread, you will be served via Instagram! It not only showcases the images, but at the same time, conveys the message that it serves "clean" food without preservatives to its consumers. In this regard, it provides a link in their bio, directing visitors to more information about their anti-preservative initiative. Furthermore, it uses Instagram to highlight its support for associations and community programs.

The Paris Opera Ballet has perfected the art of using Instagram by capturing key moments on their account! You will see images of the dancers during their rehearsals, performances, and behind the scenes. This gives visitors an excellent insight into what actually happens. The Paris Opera also highlights various performance venues, further piquing the interest of spectators.

Levis doesn't miss the mark. The brand also makes good use of Instagram, showcasing their products on the platform. They do it in the right way, as their posts show that they pay special attention to specific events such as festivals. Additionally, Levis uses the hashtag #LiveInLevis. This will allow their audience and customers to get a glimpse of life with Levis.

Color is an excellent brand identifier. Indeed, it is only through it that consistency can be established between the brand and its users. And that is what the Swedish online printing company Desenio does. However, it knows how to play with colors (like many photographers, in fact), as can be seen in each of its Instagram posts. Desenio uses consistent colors (blues, greens, grays, and blacks) and displays images of situations that inspire their visitors.

80% of GoPro photos are images generated by their customers. These customers will have the opportunity to share the highlights they have experienced thanks to the GoPro camera, when it wins advertisements. Other internet users will automatically arrive on the brand's bio, where a link is visible that directs to a tutorial to learn how to share your photos with them (and possibly acquire one of their products for example!).

This video documentary producer creates fascinating stories of people traveling around the world, with a focus on New York City. He uses his Instagram account for this purpose, showcasing beautiful images of the cities he has visited. The photos are always vibrant and stunning, which helps him to develop his brand in the process.

13. Pottery Barn

Engage your followers; that's what Pottery Barn does, and it excels at it! So let them use their own photo, but don't just settle for images of your products or brand. In the case of Pottery Barn, it encourages its consumers to take pictures of their product in a real environment (whether in their own home or elsewhere). The concept is this: goodbye to the superfluous, and hello to a real look at what their products will look like in real life!

Under Armour has over 5 million followers and it's no coincidence. This American sports clothing brand masters the use of Instagram. Their team uses their account differently: they don't just focus on celebrities, but work closely with engaged users (however, Dwayne Johnson is currently their number 1 celebrity).

Here is a different brand with a product that we rarely see on social networks: Staples. It also proves that the use of Instagram can be done with any product, provided that effective methods are used (such as those used by Staples, for example). Indeed, the brand piques the curiosity of its followers by asking questions and including Call To Action in their captions (discover our test, our article, our product, etc.). Staples also uses video to engage their users, and they do it with humor!

With Instagram, images hold great power if they are of high quality, attractive, and original. The fact that many brands use this social network is therefore obvious! You can approach it in different ways, for example by using hashtags to create communities and interact with them, by sharing targeted images..

One of the best methods that always works is also to invite internet users to participate. For this, you ask them for images of your products while aligning them with your brand identity. Besides, as it is often said: "a picture is worth a thousand words." Instagram has proven the truth of this expression.

However, not everyone succeeds in their business thanks to Instagram. Find out what the big brands have done to achieve this. In addition to the previously mentioned tips, you will discover others by continuing to read. We will also explain to you how Instagram works precisely.

How does Instagram's algorithm work?

Instagram changed its algorithm in March 2016. The chronological news feed disappeared to make way for an algorithm that prioritizes more user engagement. The team explained, "On average, people miss 70% of their feed. As Instagram has grown, it has become more difficult to keep up with all the shared photos and videos."

In other words, you risk missing out on posts that could really interest you. The order in which photos and videos are displayed in your feed will depend on these brand new criteria: the likelihood that you are interested in the content or not, your relationship with the poster, and the speed of the message.

They then stated that this change aimed to improve the user experience by prioritizing the moments that matter most to us.

But since this major update, the Instagram algorithm has continued to evolve. Today in 2021, there is no doubt that your Instagram posts no longer get the same amount of exposure as before. It is estimated that only 10% of your audience sees your posts. And it's not going to increase anytime soon!

This can be extremely frustrating, whether for users who do not see their friends' posts, their family's messages, or for businesses hoping to reach new customers, and even worse, for influencers whose business model depends on the number of subscribers who view their content.

You will have understood, the algorithm of Instagram changes quickly. And thelast updated date Instagram has indicated that the feed now displays the latest posts first. But only on the first few posts.

Our tips for improving your engagement on Instagram

We know that Instagram's algorithm is primarily based on engagement. When you post something, it is displayed to a small percentage of your audience. Then, Instagram analyzes how quickly your post is used, commented on, and liked.

Instagram will then compare the interest that your photo generates compared to the posts you have shared at similar times and days.

If it attracts a lot of attention, Instagram will show it to a wider audience, even showcasing it on the Explorer pages. And if it continues to pique the curiosity of internet users, it will remain at the top of your audience's news feeds and reach even more people.

Otherwise, it will be pushed further down the page and consequently, fewer people will see it.

Get subscribers outside of Instagram

The best way to grow an Instagram account is to gather traffic from everywhere, within Instagram, from other social networks, and from your website, for example. Sending your followers between Instagram, TikTok, Twitter or others is an excellent way to grow your account, as you attract a different audience on each platform.

Create a bio page containing links to your various social media networks. You can useKleap to do it, it is free and fully customizable.

You can also collect the emails of your subscribers. This way, you can communicate directly with your subscribers, for example, sending them your latest amazing post or offering them your products 🙂

Spend more time posting Stories and Reels

An excellent way to get closer to your subscribers is to useStoriesIn 2021, these hashtags still dominate, so much so that they are considered an essential part of your Instagram marketing strategy.

The statistics even show that stories now have more than 350 million active users per day. And yes, Snapchat is being left behind!

To illustrate these points, see how Shopify uses stories.

As you probably know: the more a user interacts with your Stories, the more your posts will appear in their feed.

A good "hack" to bypass the algorithm is to use Stories, integrating themthe features the "poll" or "Swipe Up" (provided you have more than 10k subscribers)..

The Instagram algorithm rewards interaction with your followers

We now know that Instagram prioritizes posts with high engagement, but it can also limit exposure based on your engagement with your followers.

That is why, this year, it will be more important than ever to stay on top with your comments, especially in the first hour of publication. Otherwise, your visibility could decrease drastically.

Treat your Instagram comments as a conversation. If you come across a comment that doesn't seem to require a response, try to engage in a conversation! For example, the brand panerabread is a good example; they know how to give a voice to their followers. They interact with their audience by creating affinities, which brings the company closer to its customers.

Do not worry, because we are well aware of the difficulty of keeping up with all the comments on Instagram, especially if someone comments on an older post. But make the effort...

By doing so, you will automatically receive engagement, which is very important. By responding to your comments, you not only show love towards your readers, but you also increase the visibility of your posts.

Instagram rewards the use of all their features

We have noticed on the accounts we manage for our clients that using the latest features and varying their use slightly increases our reach.

Frequent engagement and activity being favored by the Instagram algorithm, it makes sense that you would also be rewarded for using all of themplatform features!

Or, Instagram continues to roll out new features regularly, offering users new ways to connect with their audience.

Instagram analyzes the speed at which your audience engages with your content

Not only does the algorithm care about the engagement of your Instagram post, but it also pays special attention to how quickly you receive that engagement.

If your post generates a lot of "Likes" and comments shortly after it is published, this indicates to the algorithm that your message is of high quality, so the article will be distributed to a larger number of your followers.

By findingyour best moment To post on Instagram, you can "hack" the algorithm to increase your reach and get more likes and followers.

Source: Instagram algorithm graphic by Lions Creative

In short, publish at a time when most of your followers are online, you will give yourself a better chance of accumulating those likes, and quickly!

Instagram favors posts with specific and relevant hashtags

Hashtags are always an effective way to attract more followers on Instagram and increase your engagement!

However, Instagram's algorithm has always favored the use of specific and relevant hashtags. Today, nothing has changed.

Indeed, posting the same block of hashtags on your posts has a negative impact on your engagement. Therefore, change your blocks of hashtags, and make sure they are appropriate; each one has its place in your description.

Instagram calculates how much time people spend on your post

Facebook's algorithm analyzes the time you spend interacting with content, and as we have emphasized throughout this article, the same goes for Instagram!

Instagram's algorithm actually takes into account the time spent viewing your message in order to determine its popularity.

So, how do you prevent your subscribers from scrolling past your post?

Stop them with the perfect caption!

If you want to beat the Instagram algorithm, create great Instagram captions! By having such captions, you will encourage your followers to read or click on the "more" button. The time spent on the post can only increase.

This extra second that someone spends reading your Instagram caption has the potential to boost your Instagram post. In short, the time spent writing the caption is definitely worth it!

This is one of the reasons why videos perform so well on Instagram.

This is also true for photos with Instagram carousels - they can keep users on your post longer.


Now that you have uncovered some secrets about Instagram, all that's left is to optimize your content. Send attractive photos, accompanied by appropriate captions. Establishing a strategic plan beforehand will surely help you! Also, make use of all suitable analytical tools.

Although changes to the Instagram algorithm may seem frequent and constantly evolving, do not lose hope: you are well able to master them; simply try to understand how they work, the rest will follow.

Take the time you need, there is no rush! Especially since the Instagram algorithm is not something that is easily understood. By doing so, you will discover the right methods and thus, gain more engagement.

Having an attractive and appealing Instagram account can also boost your business, improve your website traffic, generate new customers, and increase your visibility.

And if you are not a business? That's okay, because it's a platform for everyone: influencers, individuals looking for true love, enthusiasts of any activity..

In short, with all these tips, combined with these examples of business accounts using Instagram perfectly, one thing is certain: you are ready to increase your engagement.

Adapt to these changes, build connections with your audience, and produce high-quality content.

What other Instagram optimizations do you know?

Feel free to ask your questions about Instagram 🙂