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7 SEO tips for law firms, lawyers, and notaries

Why should you focus on Google?

Google is of course (by far) the easiest way to bring your clients to your law firm. If 96% of internet users prefer Google as a search engine, 74% of them use it for legal questions

1. Key figures on natural referencing for law firms

Law firms are not exempt from the rules set by Google. Among these rules, there are those concerning search results. Let's take a search result. On the first page, we distinguish 19 types of results, including:

  • the paid ads (there are a total of 7: 4 at the top and 3 at the bottom)

  • 3 recherches locales

  • 10 résultats organiques (celles en bleu)

However, the search results that interest us in terms of natural referencing for law firms are organic ones. However, only 25% of them are available. The rest is made up of sites like

A first example would be to consider websites of the type

Only choose their paid offers if they truly bring you traffic and customers.

2. How to choose keywords?

SEO for law firms is similar to that of other websites. In order for it to be successful, you must

Let's use

  1. Attract your visitors to content that interests them

  2. Inciter vos lecteurs à demander des informations sur les services que vous proposez.

To illustrate the explanations, here are some examples of

  • To attract visitors:

  • Pour qu’ils s’intéressent à vos services : avis de [nom de votre cabinet d’avocats], coût des services…

  • Enfin, pour qu’ils se décident à vous solliciter : embaucher avocat à [nom de la ville], avocats près de chez moi…

Not only will this process position your site on the main keyword you have defined, but it will also give it the opportunity to appear in the results of secondary keywords... More traffic on the way!

Therefore, to help you in choosing legal keywords, you must pay special attention to your end goals. Once these are determined, the rest will follow: the structure of your site.

Use a

3. Structuring your website

I may not have necessarily mentioned this earlier in the article, but it is obvious, you must have a good website.

Choose a WordPress site or Webflow. But avoid Wix, Webly, and other sites that will penalize your efforts. The site must also load quickly and be secure with HTTPS.

One of the most effective tricks is to put yourself in the shoes of internet users. We often conduct reports on user experience, known as UX, for big brands, and the question we always ask is: "Are you proud of your website?". Is it more attractive, simpler, with better content? Does it deserve more traffic? Ask yourself this question.

One thing is certain: you prefer websites that offer a clear and intuitive interface over those that offer a complicated interface. And for each type of lawyer, there is a specific structure.

There are 3 different types of cabinets:

  • A law firm with unique service

  • Un cabinet d’avocats à multiples services (les contrats, le droit des sociétés, le droit pénal…)

  • Un cabinet d’avocats décentralisé, autrement dit : avec des bureaux qui se situent dans des villes différentes

Law firm with a unique service


The case of single-service law firms is different. To increase your chances of appearing in search results, all you need to do is obtain a domain name that contains your main keyword. One could imagine

Law firm offering a variety of services

Unlike the previous one, the domain name will be

Decentralized law firm

For a multi-location firm, don't forget to

Finally, give users the ability to switch between each city. In other words, establish a link between them by placing a

Finally, give users the ability to switch between each city. In other words, establish a link between them by placing a

4. La recherche locale, un élément important pour le référencement des avocats

To succeed in your SEO for law firm, you must absolutely consider the local level!

Use Google My Business

Google My Business

Optimize your page

"Start by optimizing the."

In the section

Pay attention to reviews

The ranking of your website mainly depends on the reviews of your customers, hence the need to consider this point. Ask your customers to give a review.

Register in local directories

This includes, for example:

5. The steps to follow to create content suitable for legal SEO

Content is one of the main pillars of natural referencing, and the referencing of law firms is no exception! Producing varied and quality content with real added value for readers is an excellent way to ensure traffic, position your site for different keywords used, while proving that you are a real expert in your field.

However, in order for your content to be considered "SEO-friendly", here are some tips and information that you will need to take into account.

Place your keywords correctly

Take the keywords that you have previously chosen for your website, via the method of "keyword mapping" (which we have seen in the previous paragraphs). Use them in the pages that are intended for them.

Next, make sure they appear in:

  • The URL of the page

  • Le titre H1 (titre le plus important)

  • Un des titres des images

  • Les balises alt des images

Dans le contenu (2 à 3 fois pour un texte de 350 mots minimum, avec 5 à 6 variantes de mots clés : n’hésitez pas à jouer sur le champ lexical complet de vos mots-clés !)

Publish content regularly

For better results, keep a blog! Make sure to keep it lively, in other words: post on it regularly

6. How to get incoming links called backlinks?

In order for your law firm's website to be well positioned in search results, it needs inbound links, that is to say

Take action

Social media

Keep in mind that your goal is to


Thanks to

Internal links

Internal links are used to connect the different pages of your site together. This technique is commonly known as

Get help from other players on the web

Sometimes, you won't even need to lift a finger to get a backlink for your website's SEO. Other bloggers, professionals... will come to you automatically, but under one condition: that the content of your blog interests them. You know how to do it 😉

Organize a collaboration

Guest post articles

A guest post is an article that you write for other websites. It naturally includes links to your site. But before proposing anything, the least you could do is

  • law firm "accept guest post"

  • cabinet d’avocats “écrire pour nous”

  • cabinet d’avocats “soumettre un article invité”

  • cabinet d’avocats “blogueur invité”

  • cabinet d’avocats “devenir un blogueur invité”

  • cabinet d’avocats “contribuer pour notre site”

  • etc.

Also, you must adhere to a certain editorial guideline.

Local press

Don't settle for publishing press releases on specialized sites. In fact, only a limited number of people will see these articles. There will be little to no impact on the SEO of your law firm. What should you do?

7. How to measure the results of legal SEO?

How can you ensure that your SEO strategy is being implemented correctly? By measuring the impacts. Here are four methods:

  • analysis of search engine visibility

  • analyse du trafic organique

  • trafic organique vers les pages cibles

  • leads et appels téléphoniques organiques

At the search engine level

After 6 to 12 months of work, you will start to see the first results. The best tool to track your progress is

Organic traffic

Google Analytics

Organic traffic to the landing pages

Landing pages are nothing more than those that receive the most visits. To check the organic traffic to these pages, Google Analytics remains one of the best tools. Go to: behavior > site content > landing pages. Finally, click on "add a segment". This way, you will have a more detailed report.

Organic lead

Finally, tracking leads. This can also be done through Google Analytics. The report will be visible in: conversion > goal > overview. These are data obtained through form submissions and phone calls.


SEO in the legal field is much more complicated than in other fields, especially since the competition is fierce. However, do not be afraid, as this should not necessarily be seen as a bad thing! On the contrary, see the SEO of your law firm as a challenge to overcome! You will see, after a certain time, if you apply these 7 secrets of legal SEO correctly, you can become the

  1. Learn about the importance of natural referencing for law firms

  2. Adoptez une stratégie quant au choix des mots clés adaptés au SEO juridique

  3. Structurez votre site web de la bonne manière, en fonction de votre type de cabinet

  4. N’oubliez pas de référencer votre cabinet au niveau local

  5. Rédigez des contenus à réelle valeur ajoutée, et ce, régulièrement

  6. Travaillez bien les liens entrants vers votre site

  7. Faites un suivi régulier de votre stratégie de référencement

You certainly have questions that are still on your mind about SEO (whether you are a legal professional or still studying to become a lawyer); if that's the case, don't keep them to yourself! Ask them in the comments, we are here to help you.